I heard an interview with Dame Judi Dench on the radio last week and she was talking about keeping mentally active as she got older. I love Judi Dench, she's a great actress and I also feel that she has aged really well, she isn't trying to look younger than she is but doesn't look like an old lady either even though she's around 80 years old.
Dame Judi talked about her father, who was a doctor who said "you need to retire twice as hard as you work". By this he meant that you need to keep very active in your retirement. Work hard at your hobbies and keep trying new things.
Many of the people that I work with I'm no longer able to return to their job following a severe brain injury. However they still want to lead fulfilling and active lives. I not only support people back to work I also support them to access hobbies and  take  up new interests.  Many people find that their social life is connected to their work. When work is taken away people often lose their social life, joining community groups and taking up new hobbies can help raise self-esteem and increase in my social circle.  I work with people who attend singing classes, horse riding, art classes, conservation projects and also complete volunteer work. This give someone a reason to get up in the morning.
If you want to see more about what I do please go to www.workinmind.co.uk